
Our Mission is to create: A Dev Community for Nostr in Nostr.

Devstr is a new initiative supporting Nostr developers. The first goal for the Devstr project is to build resources, stories, memes, tools, and processes to recruit new developers to this space. Some possible sub-projects might include a jobs board (launched), dev bounties, a dedicated Nostr relay, badges(underway), quickstart guides (in planning), testimonials, seminars, workshops, hackathons(like Bolt:Fun), and much more.

We are using both web pages and Nostr notes in combination. As Nostr continues to mature, we will migrate more and more functionality to Nostr.


email: cstack@devstr.org

Nostr: devstr@nostrplebs.com npub1wqxnmc6t9y550pjjmcdyzuuw5je43xp35ak34h7xz27k7fffl53qs82qqx